Capsule Wardrobe - Part One
11:23:00 AM
Anyone else feel like you are constantly on a journey to minimize and thin out your belongings? I literally just Kon-Maried my clothes last week but now I've decided that I must have a capsule wardrobe! What is wrong with me? (haha) Any way, I have be trolling Pinterest for some wardrobe inspiration and here's what I've found!

After browsing different blogs for a while I thought about what I need in my wardrobe. I will add that my goal is to create a year round capsule wardrobe with less than 50 pieces (not including work uniforms, under garments or PJ's!). I made a "Master List" to simplify my process. It's exactly 50 items!
The next step for me is going to use this list to figure out what I have and what I need to purchase. I'll update you all with my progress tomorrow! Happy closet organizing!!