Playing Hooky

1:49:00 PM

Sometimes you wake up with all of the hopes for a productive day, and sometimes it works out!  You knock out your to-do list with time to spare.  Those are great days.  Unfortunately more often than not, it just doesn't happen like that for me.  On Monday I had set aside a few hours in the morning to study (I have a big exam friday) without the girls at home and then I planned to continue studying after I picked them up.  The morning went okay, almost exactly as I'd wanted.  I studied and studied and then went to pick up the girls.  Once we got home things started to go awry.  Within 10 second of getting home Aubree face-planted on the drive way.  She scraped her face and arms and was a mess!  I knew that my afternoon of productive studying was out the window, my big girl needed me!

In that moment I decided that we would play hooky!  We laced up our sneakers, filled our water bottles and loaded up the stroller.  Off to the park we went.  We opted to go to a playground in town which meant a longer walk, but it was so worth it!  Aubree slept the whole way and refused to wake up when we got there, so she took a nap in the stroller and Brookie and I played the day away.  We went from the swings to the slides and then back to the swings.  She was in heaven!  Aubree eventually woke up and showed off her sliding skills.  It was a great time for all of us.  Once we were all played out we packed everyone back into the stroller and walked home.

Once we got home we decided to keep up the fun and go get some ice cream.  But of course you can't have ice cream without Elevation Burger and a trip to Five Below so we did that too.  Having a girls day was a blast.  Seeing their eyes light up when the food arrived or when they opened up their new Mashem's was worth every second of not studying.  Nursing school is a huge priority for me but sometimes I just need to take a day for myself.  My girls are growing up at a rapid pace and I don't want to miss a moment.  Okay, time to get back to studying ;)

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