Whole30 Week One!

8:03:00 AM

So week one of Whole30 is in the books, and I have to say that it has been pretty life changing.  I wish that I could say that I did it perfectly, but that just isn't true.  For those of you that haven't heard of Whole30, it's basically Paleo on steroids.  You can only really eat meat, fruit and vegetables, so no processed foods, dairy, sugar, soy, or preservatives.  I did really well for the first 7 days, but have been slowly slipping since.

Week One Grocery Haul!

Some things that I've learned so far are:

  • Cold turkey is hard. Giving up everything all at once is one of the hardest things you can do!  But for me personally, I am an all or nothing type of person.  I like to go all in right away or just not do it at all!  I did 7 days strictly following the Whole30 plan, but gradually I am adding things back into my diet that I don't want to live without.  Things such as a piece of chocolate here and there and an alcoholic beverage on occasion.
  • Hormones are a bitch!  Okay so of course I already knew this, but it was majorly amplified this month.  Apparently Laurie + No sugar + raging hormones = a not so fun person to be around!  I actually forced myself to go to bed one night because I was so angry for no reason at all!  Needless to say, having a piece of chocolate goes a long way to calm me down :)
  • Coffee is better black.  I have to admit, the thing that I thought I would struggle with the most (second to wine!) was the fact that I could no longer have cream in my coffee!  I was freaking out until the moment I took my first drink and realized black coffee is freakin DELICIOUS!!  All these years loading up my coffee with hazelnut creamer when I could have been enjoying in its natural (kinda) state.  It's amazing the things you learn when you deprive yourself of life's luxuries.
So, where do I go from here?  I am going to finish out the Whole30 program, but with some modifications.  I have learned that the pressure of giving it all up just wasn't working for me.  I am certainly making some major life changes though.  I haven't had a soda in 3 weeks, which is nuts considering I was drinking at least 2 per day.  I have also been consuming any carbs, and I don't miss them!  I want to apply the general principle of Whole30, but don't want the guilt that comes along with it.  I want to be able to enjoy a piece of chocolate without feeling like I am a cheater.  So going forward I am going to just enjoy the program and residual lifestyle changes, but not beat myself up if I don't follow it exactly right.  

One goal for the rest of the program is to exercise once a week.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but I haven't worked out since before I was pregnant with Brooke (>3yrs!).  To say that I am out of shape would be the worlds biggest understatement ;)  I need to drop the excuses and just get my butt moving.  Baby steps, right? 

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